There is only space for 16 people.. and anyone who registered before (7 years ago..lul) will get a priority spot if they still want it. The rest of the slots are up for grabs.
16 Squares Mapping competition!
The rules go like this...
Map Size You will be allocated one of the sixteen grid squares of a 'small map'.
Static Objects You may not use more than 100 static objects in your square and they must all fall within the edge markers.
Spawn Points and Control Points You will have a spawn point for you to test your map but this will not be used in the final completed map. Use the spawn for test only and do not integrate it into the map or depend on it's position in any way to navigate your square. The starting point for your square is always the stunt piece that leads into your square. Thats it.
Heightmap A set heightmap will be provided for the entire map. You may edit the helghtmap within the boundries of your square but not make adjustments over the edge markers.
Textures I will give the map a basic texture. You can make any changes you like to the texture but not over the edge makers of your square.
Sky, Fog, Water... All other elements to the map must be left as you find them for consistency.
You may change the height map, textures and static objects. THAT'S IT.
I will setup the basic map with heightmap, sky, water level, fog and texture. You can make whatever changes you like to the texture, heightmap and static upto the edge markers!
The reason should be clear by now why you cannot edit further than the edge of your square. once all the maps are complete they will all be put together into one full size map as a 16 stage race. I will add a 'stunt flat' piece to go in and out of every single square for the race to be continuous. YOU MUST NOT MOVE THE STUNT FLAT PIECES THAT GO IN AND OUT OF YOUR SQUARE! (That's gotta be obvious I hope)
The direction of the race and order of squares will be determined by the stunt flat pieces that I will place around the track.
The minimap showing the 16 squares and the stunt flat pieces that link all the squares up You may not move these stunt pieces. Your objects must fit AROUND THEM!
Stunt connection pieces between squares. don't move.. and edit the height however you like but don't go into the red
Additional Notes...
You will be allocated a square number by me. You may not change squares. I will add invisible walls to the edge of each square to prevent cheating between them. (It is up to you to make your square cheat proof!) Custom objects are allowed but must be sensible in size or Competition moderators reserve the right to have you remove them or decrease your overall number of objects allowed in your square. The entire map must be achievable by using a standard stratos only. ( I may add more mags for jumper or no2 but the power levels and overheat etc will stay as default!)
all these rules are subject to change at any time! (and probably will be...)
Interested? Then sign up here There are only 16 slots and I have got one of them!
It would be righteous if you finished up the people's squares who had worked on theirs and didn't finish or what have you. That will be the best move. I SAID GOOD DAY SIR!!
146 's............................................................"I said GOODDAY SIR!!"............................sig by FlaMiN!!