Can you provide a tutorial on getting such a high quality picture? So that I can use your method going forward in my is82 endeavors.... __________________
Sp!tfire [ 23:34 ] [ 06 Nov 2012 ]
Sure mate. My way of doing this only works with ATI graphics cards. If you have a Nvidia, you'll have to google how to turn on AA.
Go into the Catalyst Control Center (right mouse click on desktop, first button in the list). Find your gaming/graphics settings, turn off "use application settings" so battlefield will not make any changes.
Turn AA (Anti-Aliasing) to the max, same for filtering and mipmaps, so you will be able to achieve the best graphics possible.
It tells you how to change your resolution to a 'widescreen' resolution. I recommend 1920x1080 32 60, but this only works if your screen actually supports this resolution.
Once you have changed your resolution, look up how to change your FOV (Field of View), it's on the same page.
Change your FOV to something low, like 0.3 Save the .con files you have changed and make them read-only.
Now go ingame, everything will be zoomed in, it will be a pain in the ass to drive a stratos like this, but the zoom-in effect is needed for the movie style screenshots.
Drive a stratos and park it somewhere, now turn the wheel all the way to the left and press Pause. Switch team and keep the game paused. Close the map and find your parked car in freecam mode, keep the game paused. (If freecam is not enabled, open console and type "game.enablefreecamera 1")
Once you have found your stratos, you will notice you'll have to keep a lot of distance to actually get the whole stratos in view, this is because the game is zoomed in. Once you are positioned perfectly for creating your screenshot, open console and write "hud 0". This will turn off your health bar, ammo bar, etc.
Take your screenshot by pressing Print Screen on your keyboard.
Now open up photoshop, if you don't have it, get it from somewhere!
Create a new image with the same dimensions as your game, for example, 1920x1080.
Duplicate the default layer (your screenshot) and go to Image -> Adjustments -> Exposure.
Start playing with the settings. I'm using are 1.28, 0.0755 and 0.47
All colors will be better visible and it might be just a little too much so we will be adding a little black & white layer on top.
Hit OK and duplicate your current layer. Go to image -> adjustments -> black and white -> OK. Go to blending options and set this new layer's opacity to 20% or 25%.
Now flatten the image and start blurring out objects in the background for a depth of field/lens effect. __________________
Sp!tfire [ 23:34 ] [ 06 Nov 2012 ]
If you want to play the game afterwards just change back your FOV (Field of View) and restore your resolution/AA/graphics settings to get a better performance/higher FPS __________________