@ GDTD No, he's a magician! He uses the dark powers of Wow and Interstatia to stun Choncho! I bet Chonchito walking somewhere out there now, zombified and a slave to Ala's will. __________________
Maybe because it's in the midnight hour Mark, but that was hilarious!!
Poor Chonchita, all Zombified like a goose-less gander in an over sized pond....or small lake? Zombies only have hearts because they don't know they can eat them. Poor poor teepee dwelling zombified Chonchita. Curse that war wizard Ala and his dark trickery! FLY AWAY EVIL SPAWN OF INTERSTATE!! FLY AWAY AND FORBID THY OWN RETURN!! + = __________________
News update, regarding zombies and other magic: Choncho has been spotted among a big bunch of zombies at the Race of Doom, where Ala The Great is calling upon the power of the God of OmgZilla. Resources confirm Ala was behind the zombie outbreak and the crashed UFO on Countryside, which you could read in the media gallery post some days ago. There he made Dr. Reegad disappear, who may also be walking somewhere, zombified. This is really getting out of hand.
I advise to create a Zombie Defense HQ at Eagle's Nest. As I heard, Dr. GoodDay is already working on it.
The all knowing and forever wise man Mark is absolutely correct. Something must be done to put a lid on these Zombie shenanigans and the evil Ala Wizard slum lord, "The Great". Being that Interstate Eagles Nest is the last "zombie free" realm, concurrence must be concurred at this point of concurring with Mark. A Zombie Defense HQ is well underway to completion.
Chonchita IS being held captive in the snowy hills due north of the Eagles Nest! Ther's is simply no time to waste! The Evil bastage Ala the Wizard Goblin is among us!! SHIT THE BED!!! Nowhere is safe!!! RUN AWAY!! RUN AWAY!!! __________________
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