As a sequal to the zombie story of the previous media file, I present you this. BEHOLD: It\'s also a teaser to the upcoming map Eagle\'s Nest, by GDTD!
UPDATE: For safety reasons Interstate is going to be evacuated. All inhabitants must travel to Eagle's Nest, because that is the last resort without zombies. Well, it so far. (Already zombified) resources confirm that there's a whole army of zombies coming to Eagle's Nest, so be quick! There we will have enough weapons, disco lights and most likely also easter eggs to defend ourselves. __________________
Inside resources confirm. The location of Ala The Great's captive, choncho has been relocated somewhere outside the town square just below the Eagles Nest. Construction crews are still preparing for the potential zombie show down. Also, Interstate Labs Inc. has identified that Vigi blood cells are extremely susceptible to zombie transformation. Construction crews have been notified to detain any Vigilantes in the area. (they will count as an easter egg). Stay tuned as this epic story unravels, as the Battle for Eagles Nest begins. __________________
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