NEWS UPDATE: One of Ala the Great\'s conspirators has been found and arrested on Le Mans on the Highway. He was looking for a big construction vehicle near the town. The Highway police force doesn\'t know for which purpose he needed it, but they do suspect it has something to do with the zombie outbreak.
Good job Mark. Keep up the good work and you might just get that promotion we been promising you all these years. Now I specifically asked for FIVE creamers and SIX packets of sweet n low in my coffee!!!! What the hell is this? Splenda? WTF is that?!! Go wash mista's patrol car. Go go go!! __________________
UPDATE: The conspirator, now known as Ian Interstate, wanted the contruction vehicle to destroy the Zombie Defense Center, which is still under contruction. He couldn't find it and because of that he stole the Interstate-famous Disco Truck. It didn't take long before the police heard the loud noise and disco music.