""Skeletor", the new one and only Is82 villain. Only thing we need now is an Is82 hero."
Have you already forgot about the Evil Wizard Slumlord, Ala the God-Awful Meat Head Supreme?!?! The thick, dark, danky fog of his being has already shrouded the surrounded areas of Interstate Eagles Nest....Is(82) all lost? __________________
Most heroes have multiple enemies or villains... Btw, I thought Ala The Wizard hid himself somewhere... It's been quiet lately. Or does he prevent the completion of Eagles Nest in secret? Hmmm. __________________
He has, he does, and he will again! Constantly thwarted by is menacing ways...
I found out(through my spy) that Ala DID IN FACT bribe my construction crew, with hookers and blow, to leave Eagles Nest incomplete. Zee Nest currently sits idle...awaiting further progress...time will tell.... __________________
If Ala is using a wand then we really have nothing to fear..wands are for fairies. I thought he used a staff. Guess I was wrong! All is not lost! __________________