In the square challenge, my plan requires me to make players go around a corner and gain height relatively quickly. This was the simplest way I could think of. Gonna test it tonight.
Importing something like that into the game is surprisingly pain-free. Honestly, it's far easier than working e.g. with Eclipse RCP. Only problem is the material ID. Since I don't have 3DS or Max (I'm using Wings), I'm using the batch file converter, which doesn't have a "Force Material ID" functionality. The current material makes cars blow up if you're driving fast... __________________
Shrooms [ 12:48 ] [ 12 Oct 2013 ]
Use this code ObjectTemplate.material 92 Another way to tells the game which material to use for the object. 92 is used by the other stunt pieces. __________________
Thanks, I'll do that for future objects! In this case I imported the model into gmax, set the values there, then exported it again, which worked but was a very annoying process. __________________
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