Registered Member #91 Joined: [ 14:47 ] [ 17 Mar 2004 ] Posts: 1235
Bam check my new map out, just getting it into game atm. but here are some pictures to tide you over
yea I know its not very original but its gonna be awesome the second pic shows you a lift system that goes up and down so you can get on top of the islands
My poop is clean and pure as the giggles of new born babies.
Registered Member #91 Joined: [ 14:47 ] [ 17 Mar 2004 ]
Alrighty then progress so far... Models, done Coding Done, Textures Done, all I have left is to go home to my computer that can run battlecrap and then start lining everything up nicely
My poop is clean and pure as the giggles of new born babies.
Registered Member #91 Joined: [ 14:47 ] [ 17 Mar 2004 ]
alrighty then this is gonna be a two map release, here is the second close combat map with a little more originality
its called the mixing bowl and basically two teams spawn on either side, and there is combat in the middle to control the bowl (flag hidden in center on platform) now the big semi circle x thing with the platform will spin, and you will have to run up the ramp to capture the flag, all while shooting others and being shot at by others, its sure to be a blast
My poop is clean and pure as the giggles of new born babies.
Registered Member #80 Joined: [ 14:01 ] [ 14 Mar 2004 ]
i think weapons need tweaking to make firefights more interesting , like disperse fire more when moving, and weapons do overall less damage, so firefights are longer. i think that would be more action like and arcade as interstate is meant to be.