hey everyone, welcome back to another map update. To start with, modvillage will be gone soon, so I will post all updates here. I have got the other guns to work with new objects ( online ) and they will be ported to the real sandbox map soon, they're still in the testmap for now but still nice to play with.
I tried building a small house, which did not turn out that good. lol I know, it's a really small update, but i'll have more soon!
Also, I still need someone's help to code a remover gun.. just a gun with massive damage.. the objects have 900 hitpoints for now if I remember correctly..
Registered Member #1098 Joined: [ 20:35 ] [ 24 Jun 2005 ]
hah I remember that in siege. So the objects are destructable? That's good, so now with enough ramming you can knock down the walls of someone's inpenetrable ladder-fortress
Violence is like duct tape. If it doesn't work, use more.
[ 20:51 ] [ 18 Feb 2008 ]
I have an awesome idea spitfire you should do.
Make a rather 'incomplete deathrace' where necessary bridges, and stunt roads are missing and need to be placed to complete the map, you could use teh spawn gun to say spawn a bridge that goes across a river, spawn a ladder to go up the cliff to reach the checkpoint, spawn a few stunt pieces to make a jump to the other side. It would be sick
Registered Member #988 Joined: [ 02:41 ] [ 31 Mar 2005 ]
hmm shrooms idea would require some cooperation... It would be freakin awesome but cooperative interstate is unheard of.. this is madnes... THIS IS INTERSTATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!