"Choncho wowed. Ala meathead shows choncho how to tame an invisible dauphin."
"Ala is very crafty."
"@ GDTD No, he's a magician! He uses the dark powers of Wow and Interstatia to stun Choncho! I bet Chonchito is walking somewhere out there now, zombified and a slave to Ala's will."
"Maybe because it's in the midnight hour Mark, but that was hilarious!!
Poor Chonchita, all Zombified like a goose-less gander in an over sized pond....or small lake? Zombies only have hearts because they don't know they can eat them. Poor poor teepee dwelling zombified Chonchita. Curse that war wizard Ala and his dark trickery! FLY AWAY EVIL SPAWN OF INTERSTATE!! FLY AWAY AND FORBID THY OWN RETURN!! + = "
"News update, regarding zombies and other magic: Choncho has been spotted among a big bunch of zombies at the Race of Doom, where Ala The Great is calling upon the power of the God of OmgZilla. Resources confirm Ala was behind the zombie outbreak and the crashed UFO on Countryside, which you could read in the media gallery post some days ago. There he made Dr. Reegad disappear, who may also be walking somewhere, zombified. This is really getting out of hand.
I advise to create a Zombie Defense HQ at Eagle's Nest. As I heard, Dr. GoodDay is already working on it."
"The all knowing and forever wise man Mark is absolutely correct. Something must be done to put a lid on these Zombie shenanigans and the evil Ala Wizard slum lord, "The Great". Being that Interstate Eagles Nest is the last "zombie free" realm, concurrence must be concurred at this point of concurring with Mark. A Zombie Defense HQ is well underway to completion.
Chonchita IS being held captive in the snowy hills due north of the Eagles Nest! Ther's is simply no time to waste! The Evil bastage Ala the Wizard Goblin is among us!! SHIT THE BED!!! Nowhere is safe!!! RUN AWAY!! RUN AWAY!!!"
Submitted by MarkNl<
"Zombie Madness at Eagle\'s Nest" "As a sequal to the zombie story of the previous media file, I present you this. BEHOLD: It\'s also a teaser to the upcoming map Eagle\'s Nest, by GDTD!"
"He looks so happy and innocent in that picture You will be saved sir isr chonchito!"
(need indian emoticon)"
"UPDATE: For safety reasons Interstate is going to be evacuated. All inhabitants must travel to Eagle's Nest, because that is the last resort without zombies. Well, it so far. (Already zombified) resources confirm that there's a whole army of zombies coming to Eagle's Nest, so be quick! There we will have enough weapons, disco lights and most likely also easter eggs to defend ourselves."
"Inside resources confirm. The location of Ala The Great's captive, choncho has been relocated somewhere outside the town square just below the Eagles Nest. Construction crews are still preparing for the potential zombie show down. Also, Interstate Labs Inc. has identified that Vigi blood cells are extremely susceptible to zombie transformation. Construction crews have been notified to detain any Vigilantes in the area. (they will count as an easter egg). Stay tuned as this epic story unravels, as the Battle for Eagles Nest begins."
146 's............................................................"I said GOODDAY SIR!!"............................sig by FlaMiN!!
Registered Member #2384 Joined: [ 15:51 ] [ 14 Oct 2010 ]
Zombie Conspiracy Conspirator Arrested
NEWS UPDATE: One of Ala the Great\'s conspirators has been found and arrested on Le Mans on the Highway. He was looking for a big construction vehicle near the town. The Highway police force doesn\'t know for which purpose he needed it, but they do suspect it has something to do with the zombie outbreak.
Good job Mark. Keep up the good work and you might just get that promotion we been promising you all these years. Now I specifically asked for FIVE creamers and SIX packets of sweet n low in my coffee!!!! What the hell is this? Splenda? WTF is that?!! Go wash mista's patrol car. Go go go!!
UPDATE: The conspirator, now known as Ian Interstate, wanted the contruction vehicle to destroy the Zombie Defense Center, which is still under contruction. He couldn't find it and because of that he stole the Interstate-famous Disco Truck. It didn't take long before the police heard the loud noise and disco music.
Ala the Cruel last seen wrecking havoc on Batmarde's updated map, Four Elements Final. Choncho is still MIA with the possibility of him being locked in the trunk of Ala's magical Stratos trunk.... You are in our prayers Chonchito!
"He is everywhere! After conquering the Earth, he now starts to take over the Milky Way!
Aliens, hide! Someone get us a Millenium Falcon or the starship The Enterprise! Where's Spock when you need him!?"
146 's............................................................"I said GOODDAY SIR!!"............................sig by FlaMiN!!