Registered Member #376 Joined: [ 23:26 ] [ 08 Jun 2004 ]
I am sorry you all have been mislead by sources to think all this bullshit about Iraq and other things. But wow I have to point something out while I am here. Look at the Pro bush posters, Me , Jerry, And a Few others and read our posts. Noticed how ours seemed to be focusing on one thing and are coherrent with all the other pro bush posts. Now look at the Pro Kerry or Con War post most evry post has a totally different reason why we went to war in Iraq or why Bush sucks. We went to war for 3 things. 1. To spread the freedom and Peace of Democracy 2. To capture Saddam Hussein a Brutal Murderer who could be brought up on charges of Genocide for all of his killings. Hmmm would we want a person like this having WMD's No thanks. 3. To look for and find WMD's which may have been a mistake but I beleive that they are there in Iraq somewhere or went to Syria
Or think about it we could have been like the french 60 years "HELP THE GERMANS OUR COMING" OR French Rifle Never Fired Dropped Once $600 Hmmmm who pulled there ass out of that one??? America, Britain and Canada and a bit of help from Courageous French resistance to bad there isn't many of those people left in France today