- Admins have the right to set, remove, change, and break the rules on a per map basis as they see fit. Their say is FINAL.
- Shortcuts are not allowed unless during the current round you have already completed the map using the designed route.
- Abuse to other people is only allowed when its your friends and you know that they will not take it personally.
- TK'ing is acceptable when agreed as a game, or on the map Stunt Park. If you do it by accident have the curtasy to appologise. Do not repeatedly TK people as they are spawning
- Capping is only allowed when there is less than one minute left, unless the flag does not end the round, or the majority agrees that they want the round to end early.
- Spamming Radio Commands or Text ( 3 or more times in a row ) will result in you being kicked, and repeat offenders will be banned.
- The Tag [ISR] is solely for admins, anyone found using the tag, similar tags, or just impersonating an admin will be permanently banned.
- Names should be in alpha-numerics ( letters and numbers ), anyone using lots of symbols, or blank names will be kicked.
- Swearing is allowed but please keep it in moderation. If you find it offensive then you can always play on another server.
Well what about Camber sands when people stand up on top of rock so we can hit them is that okay?If so that sould be applyed with stuntpark o the only time you shouldent tk is when you race on that map. __________________
""when people stand up on top of rock so we can hit them is that okay?"" Yes this is a game we all play, but if people are trying to have a race i camber try to stay out of there way so they get passed the rock, then let the chaos continue =) __________________
"Swearing is often used on the server, although we ask that you keep it in moderation. If you find it offensive and its too much for you to ignore, please fuck off."
- Swearing is often used on the server, although we ask that you keep it in moderation. If you find it offensive and its too much for you to ignore, please fuck off.
Sgt Kindkill Said: Lol thats byfar the best rule. <-- yup, i think so too, __________________
Yup yup yup. Ive been banned by so many shitty servers that say don't swear or else. I say damn and they say dont say that again. then to piss them off I start swearing like crazy. __________________
Ratchet. you ARE NOT a ADMIN! YOU CAN NOT BAN ANYONE! SO STFU. You are lieing you cant ban anyone even if you had to. We can still use the shortcuts and not be banned all. Unless one of these admins (Rich, Mannix, Overdosed, Vicki (Ariel), Skyline, Skins, I think i got them all) Says you cant otherwise you can shortcut. When you see Ratchet shortcut on purpose to piss off the poser! __________________
MeSsIna : i said that because next time i cheat :I will be banned so... I am rememder i cheated in Skyline the limit and Vicky kick me. And later I joined the server and OD said : next time is ban. __________________
i think you should be allowed to teamkill, but if the person you are killing says to stop, or others are getting pissed off, you have to stop. __________________
i dont, you could be far, be repairing your car. look over to see some1 crazy driving into you, then you cuss and piss them off and they leave. would just bring troubles __________________
i dunno, i talk alot without knowing it. i could be kicked or even banned for talking to much lol. i never realize how much i type until i look up at the chat part and see 4 of my messages in a row . sry dudes lol. __________________
You guys know the thing in BF2 when u talk to much u are banned for like 31 seconds so u cant talk....can u change that...because like is82 people probably will talk like crazy in IS04 or IS2... __________________
that rule shouldv'e been changed that one called isr = permanent ban and that 1 that at the end of the tk rule called don't reapetely kill players as they are spawning. spawning shouldv'e been renamed "spawn rapping" and that isr 1 is too offensive. permanent ban? that's unfair. say someone was 7 years old when he abused the tag and now he's 24 years old he'd still be banned which i think is really gay __________________