Registered Member #1155 Joined: [ 06:45 ] [ 02 Aug 2005 ]
Since so far we hvae heared nutin but positive results we will go a little bit more into detail.
Here is what we would try to do for this to work:
1.Both teams will start an even distance away from the gunshop.
2. They will rush to the area (example: gunshop) and the first team to get there holds control and there will be a huge flag to show that.
3. By holding the area the other team will lose 1 ticket per second (subject to change).
4. The team without the *gunshop* will have to devise plans to try to get in the area and capture the place.
5. The capture time will be 5 seconds. If there is 1 guy from team A in the base and 2 from team B, then it will take 10 seconds for B to have control.
This is our basic outline so far. Please responds. :?