Registered Member #66 Joined: [ 23:46 ] [ 08 Mar 2004 ]
is span useless sruffs? Game.listplayers Every player has an ID number, which is used for kicking/voting off the player. This command lists those numbers.
Game.listmaps Each map on the server has a unique id number, which is necessary for map voting. This command lists those numbers.
Game.enablefreecamera * This enables free look mode on clients who are waiting to spawn. For *, 1 turns free look on, 0 turns it off. Note that this command can only be run from the server, or by a user that has remote server access.
Game.killplayer * * is equal to the player id number. Note that this command can only be run from the server, or by a user that has remote server access.
Admin.kickplayer * * is equal to the player id number. Note that this command can only be run from the server, or by a user that has remote server access.
Admin.banplayer * * is equal to the player id number. Note that this command can only be run from the server, or by a user that has remote server access.
Admin.removeaddressfrombanlist * * is equal to the IP of a banned player. Note that this command can only be run from the server, or by a user that has remote server access.
Admin.addaddresstobanlist * * is equal to the IP address to the client that is to be banned. Note that this command can only be run from the server, or by a user that has remote server access.
Admin.clearbanlist This allows all users that were previously banned to once again connect to the server. Note that this command can only be run from the server, or by a user that has remote server access.
Admin.changemap * * is equal to the name of the map. Note that this command can only be run from the server, or by a user that has remote server access.
Admin.externalviews * This command enables/disables external camera views on clients connected to the server. For *, 1 turns external views on, 0 turns it off. Note that this also disables the nose cam. Also, note that this command can only be run from the server, or by a user that has remote server access.
Admin.listbannedaddresses Lists the IP addresses that are banned from connecting to the server. Note that this command can only be run from the server, or by a user that has remote server access.
Admin.allownosecam * This command enables/disables the ability for clients to turn off the airplane HUD. (Allows easier flying.) For *, 1 turns nose cam on, 0 turns it off. Also note that if external views are turned off, nose cam cannot be used. Note that this command can only be run from the server, or by a user that has remote server access.
Voting Commands Game.votemap * This command will initiate/cast a vote to change the map. * is equal to the map id number.
Game.votekickplayer * This command will initiate/cast a vote to kick a player. Players on both teams can participate in this vote. * is equal to the player id number.
Game.votekickteamplayer * This command will initiate/cast a vote to kick a player. Voting is restricted to the team of the player who initiated the vote. * is equal to the player id number.
Admin.votingtime * This command sets the amount of time clients have to cast a vote after it has been initiated. * is equal to the number of seconds clients will have to vote. Note that this command can only be run from the server, or by a user that has remote server access.
Remote Console Access Admin.enableremoteadmin password The SERVER needs to have this command executed every map. The password can include numbers OR letters, but not a combination of the two. NOTE: DO NOT INCLUDE ANY SPACES IN YOUR PASSWORD.
The CLIENT that is to have remote admin access is to execute this command. The password must be the same as the one set on the server.
Admin.execremotecommand "command" To execute a command from a client, one would type the admin.execremotecommand, followed by the desired admin command in quotation marks. For example, to kick someone with the player id of 7 from a client machine, one would type the following (after going through the first two steps of this section.)
Admin.execremotecommand "admin.kickplayer 7"
Other Helpful Commands Console.showfps * This toggles the FPS display on and off. For *, 1 turns FPS on and 0 turns it off.
Console.showstats * This toggles the debug stats display on and off. For *, 1 turns the debug stats display on and 0 turns it off.
Game.disconnect This disconnects the player from the current game.
Game.changeplayername * This allows a user to quickly change his name. * is equal to the player name.
Game.useHUD * This will remove all your HUD except for your gun. * 0=off 1=on