Registered Member #1334 Joined: [ 06:17 ] [ 20 Jun 2008 ]
Name: Jose Castillo Age: 17 Location: Miami, Florida, USA
Reason: Hello, I am applying to become an administrator on the IS82.Com website. My goals are to become an active administrator and continue to be one even with a higher position. I plan on continuing to help fix the site when it needs help with errors and other weird things that might occur. If I get chosen, I promise to continue to bring high expectation to ISR for many years to come. Though this mod may be 4 years old, that is no reason for it not to bring high expectation. By recruiting members from other BF1942 mods and just by the word of mouth, this is enough to bring in new members who will contribute to a wonderful mod like this. I could just be saying some crap like most people will do, but why would I do that when I can be honest and bring what I think is needed to this site. There is a lot of potential here and with our new wiki that just opened up, people and members alike will be able to post, find, and know everything they need to know about Interstate 82. I will also post some important news for everyone to read daily. Also, we could start up a "Special Access tag" given out once a month to the best interstator out there. This tag would grant them certain moderator privileges for a month. At the end of the month you could hand out another one. By best Interstator I mean somebody who shows community spirit and is continually fueling the growth of our community. Also. there aren't many community building tools that a admin has versus a normal member. So awarding the members who do the community good will provide continuing incentive to grow the community. I hope this will help you in choosing the correct person for the position.
I never really post here (although I've been going to the site almost every day for about two years..) and my chances are slim but why not give it a go?
I really think there should be a new version of Interstate, and from what some of the admins have told me that you are working on one.. In my opinion, the current idea of how you are doing it is not very good and a bit counterproductive. I can model and map so I would be interested in helping that out. This would probably be the best, although possibly hardest, way of getting new members to come here.
Even if I were not to become an admin, I would still do all I could to have a new version come out.
Even if I were not to become an admin, I would still do all I could to have a new version come out.
A decent point/attitude.
As you may well see I have deleted virtually all of this thread.
There were some valid points about the mod which I have also deleted as they were off topic.
Virtually every reason for being admin has been weak.
"I'll get my friends on here.." "I'll do maps..." "I'll promote it elsewhere..." These things should all just happen regardless of whether you are admin or a total noob..
If you would like to be admin then please explain why. not how much you want it.. This is not American fucking Idol. (Although i would make a good Simon Cowell) "I want it so bad.. it's all I ever wanted my whole life.. This is my dream.. I want it sooooo bad.." will not get you a tag I'm afraid.
Mods.. please delete anything which is not a clear 'application for admin' and keep this on-topic.
If you feel you would like to add to your initial post/application then EDIT YOUR POST! do not post again. It will all be reviewed by the powers that be and we will notice your additions I promise. You should have ONE post in this thread.
Registered Member #91 Joined: [ 14:47 ] [ 17 Mar 2004 ]
If I were admin. I would give my adminship to inno.
on the basis that he has recently improved the sites chatbox, and I see him getting into other tricky areas with no questions asked. Also he isn't a popularity obsessed junky like some of the other people posting in this thread (myself included). Proof of that lies with his undying support of Iphones and fjcruisers haha.
[edit] Well I have prooved something today, we don't necessarily need more members to make this an active society... we just need someone that can stay on for all hours of the day posting replies. See that is the trouble, when people post, nobody responds within 10 seconds so that they can post again, and by having someone always on posting replies we get a very lively community.
Also, if inno was an admin he coulda controlled the spam that has sent this forum into ruins
My poop is clean and pure as the giggles of new born babies.
Why should i be admin? Thats the question! :p Well why not, some of the things i would try to do as a admin is get more people in and try to get old players active again. I would try to arrange races and leagues, something which would make more people want to play again (i tk ) and i would help out in any special development or anything and try to get back the good old interstate 82 feelin
i will also have a free wrench deal ingame in most of the is82 maps! xD
Well, why WOULD we want to be an ISR admin? I am a vet, I helped make this mod and I should not NEED applying. I am making the next generation modificationS of this mod too as we speak. NeedIsayMORE?
When a woman has an uncontrollable desire to have sex all the time at the expense of her hygiene, safety, and personal health, we call it “nymphomania.†When a man experiences the same thing, we call it “Tuesday.â€
Registered Member #988 Joined: [ 02:41 ] [ 31 Mar 2005 ]
Me? Admin? Why?
One major reason for me is noob control. Its that time of the years when the noobs start coming in and filling the server up, but wait theres no admin in sight? It might be my time when i go on but whenever i am on i see much noob and little admin. It pisses me off seeing rules being broken and IS being corrupted by these animals. Its time for change, its time for KaHuNa
Registered Member #1735 Joined: [ 01:06 ] [ 05 Jan 2007 ]
What would I do as an ISR admin?
I would help to keep the is82 website neat and organized by deleting irrelevant posts *cough*The Stig*cough* and threads *cough*slicksharpshooter07*cough* Accompanying the duties on the website, I think that I, being an active player on the official server, would help to control the tking or race-map-killing-nub problems that the server experiences Also, I would try to organize special occasions, such as 1st person only day, from long ago, and low gravity day, to bring more players to the server and the site
This is what part of the alphabet woul look like if Q and R were omitted
Well I know I haven't posted much, but I've been around for at least 3 years. I'm on almost every day, and it seems that there aren't many admins left that actually play on the server. The most I've seen is maybe 5ish, and none of them are on at the same time. Since I'm on almost every day for a long time, I think it'd help for me to become an admin. I'm also in the middle of making a new map for the server and I'd love for it to be added onto the rotation some day. I'll actually listen to the server-goers and switch maps whenever they like, add time, etc. I've always wanted to be a part of ISR since I started playing this mod.