yea i came across there server at 4am and i was shocked, they all were Japanese and didnt know what i was saying lol, kept trying to ask them what the hell they were doing here ,and in such numbers but got no response exept a "lol" when i told them we dont get that many players. it was nuts, we played disco fever and there were bodys falling everywhere, they were averaging about 3 deaths every seconds lol. reegad managed to drop in for a bit wish you all were there. i couldnt speak to them but they were friendly with the chat commands "smoke em out!" and they were cooperative and didnt tk or any bs. weird stuff!!
it was random alright.. maybe it was a dream xD @ mista, it was digital. @ kahuna, about every month a Japanese FHT server "forgotten honor mod" gets filled with 64 players in the late hours of the night, seen some vids they post on youtube its pretty epic lol