The castle map which you can download from here is really a trojan. As soon as i downloaded it my mcafee popped up and deleted it. So maybe someone should find a file that is the actual map, instead of connecting people to a virus. [ Edited ]
-- Update Mar 19th, 12:03pm PST -- The 4339 dat files are incorrectly identifying files from Clickteam as the Unone trojan. If you feel that you are receiving an incorrect identification on files from Clickteam please Submit a Sample to AVERT.
I sent off the detected castle map to McAfee so it could be analysed to help them fix the problem of the false detection.
I have just got back their response:
--------------------------------------------- A.V.E.R.T. Sample Analysis Virus Research Analyst: Brant Yaeger Identified: No Virus/Trojan
AVERT(tm) Labs, Beaverton, OR
Thank you for submitting your suspicious file.
Synopsis -
Our Senior Virus Research Engineers have examined the file in question and no virus was found.
Solution -
Attached is an extra.dat with correct detection. This correction will be included in the next DAT update. ---------------------------------------------