Ok post 10 maps that you would want the map cycle on the isr server to be, this is just for fun becouse i thought it would be interesting to see what different people come up with, heres mine. Deathrace Camber sands Tsunami Dakar Rally freedive Final Showdown skylines the Limit grand canyon stunt park gazala interstate
Registered Member #103 Joined: [ 13:48 ] [ 23 Mar 2004 ]
Deathrace 1 Final Showdown Camber Sands Dakar Rally Skylines the Limit Stunt park Coppermine Ace´s Desert Race (I will improve it ) Ultimate (Need to remove my grenade launcher) Grand canyon
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Registered Member #105 Joined: [ 19:00 ] [ 23 Mar 2004 ]
Battle on deathrace Dakar Ralley Freedrive Final Showdown (havnt seen it but looks cool) Skylines the limit Grand Canyon Presstons map (so sorry cant remeber the name :o) Beanstalk Buggy Battle 2 Stunt Park
Registered Member #117 Joined: [ 14:57 ] [ 30 Mar 2004 ]
Deathrace II v3 Dakar Rally Grand Canyon Final Showdown Desert Rush Skylines the limit Ruined Vacation Trap Up And Down Lakeside Tsunami .... And maybe a battleday once in a while